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Bordeaux: Saint Eulalie Church & the Eucharistic Miracle of Bordeaux


About Saint Eulalie Church:

Much of the history of this church is centered around Father Pierre Bienvenu Noailles.  After being ordained priest on 5 June 1819 in the Church of St. Sulpice in Paris, Fr. Noailles returned to Bordeaux and his home diocese. He became curate in the parish of St. Eulalie where his apostolic zeal in all circumstances, his love of the poor and his qualities of discernment made him an exceptional priest much sought after for spiritual direction.

He often contemplated the Holy Family whom he referred to as “the lovely image of the Trinity”.  He was inspired by God to create a new community that would welcome within its fold women and men of all conditions and vocations (contemplative and apostolic women religious living in community, consecrated seculars, lay people committed in the world, married or single, children and adults, priests). Engaged in the work of proclaiming the Good News, they would all apply themselves to imitate the Holy Family.  By their union in diversity they would demonstrate that communion among all is possible, that it is the vocation of the church and the world to be and to build the family of the children of God.  The community is called The Association of the Holy Family of Bordeaux.

It took root officially when, with the encouragement of his bishop, Mgr. d’Aviau, he assembled in community three young girls who felt the call to give themselves to God in a new way.  In their poverty and their destitition they welcomed orphans poorer than they.

It is in this church that Saint Louis Martin (father of Saint Therese of Lisieux) was baptized, and you will find a statue of Saint Therese here in honor of her father.

There is also a stained-glass window representing St. Louis and St. Therese being received by the Pope Pius XI,  which was installed in the baptistry after St. Therese was canonized in 1925.

About the Eucharistic Miracle of Bordeaux:

The Eucharistic Miracle of Bordeaux is closely connected to the Community founded in 1820 by the Venerable Father Pierre Noaille.  The Community is still active today, especially in Asia and Africa.

The miracle took place in 1822, 20 months after the foundation of the Community, in their Church of St. Eulalia in Bordeaux.  Abbot Delort, substituting for Fr. Noaille at Mass, consecrated the host, and when he looked at the host,  Jesus appeared in the Host.

A large number of faithful present were able to view, for more than twenty minutes, Jesus, imprinted on the Host. Someone also testified to having heard Jesus say: “I am He who is”.

This event was approved by the ecclesiastical authorities, among whom were the Archbishop of Bordeaux– Monsignor D’Aviau – who heard personally the witness of the faithful who attested to the miracle.

Traveling to Saint Eulalie Church:

The church is across from St. Andre‘s Hospital, which is very well known in Bordeaux.  You can visit the chapel of the miracle and venerate the precious relic of the monstrance of the apparition.

Address:  13 Place Sainte-Eulalie, 33000 Bordeaux, France

Tel:  +33 5 56 00 66 01

Click here for the official website of Saint Eulalie Church (does not mention the Eucharistic Miracle)

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