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Chalo-Saint-Mars, France: Grave of Jérôme Lejeune

About Jérôme Lejeune (June 13, 1926-April 3, 1994):

Jérôme Lejeune was born in 1926 at Montrouge, a suburb of Paris.  In 1952, after his medical studies, he joined the team of Professor Turpin at Saint-Louis Hospital. Professor Turpin asked him to take consultations for children with Down Syndrome.…a condition that was known at the time as “mongolism”.

Little (nothing, actually) was known about the cause of Down Syndrome.  Mothers were accused of causing this condition due to immoral behavior; and often these children were sent away, placed in institutions or kept out of sight.  There was little to no effort to afford them a decent life.

Today, we face an even greater evil in the pressure from “liberal” politicians, many celebrities and groups such as Planned Parenthood to abort these precious human beings.

As he began to minister to his patients, Doctor Lejeune also began to research the cause of Down Syndrome.

 Jérôme Lejeune with one the children with Down Syndrome inFranceAt the time it was believed that 48 chromosomes existed in the human body, but research brought the number down to 46.

Dr. Lejeune was able to show that people with Down Syndrome did not have a missing chromosome, as had been previously thought, but actually had an extra chromosome.  In July 1958, during a study of chromosomes of a child with Down syndrome, he discovered the existence of an extra chromosome on the 21st pair. For the first time ever, a link was established between a state of an intellectual disability and a chromosomal anomaly.

In 1962, he was awarded the Kennedy Prize, which Jérôme Lejeune received personally from President John F. Kennedy.

Dr. Jérôme Lejeune was a devout Catholic.  Often, he finished his lectures by quoting the Bible verse, “Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”

To those who falsely claim that the Catholic Church is anti-science, we offer Jérôme Lejeune as an example of how false this accusation is.

Doctor Jérôme Lejeune passed away on April 3, 1994.  In 2007 the case for beatification of Jérôme Lejeune was opened by the Roman Catholic Church.

On the 21st of January, 2021, Pope Francis bestowed the title of ‘Venerable’ upon Doctor Jérôme Lejeune in recognition for his ‘Heroic virtues’.  This was the first step in the investigative process towards canonization by The Church.

A momentous event in the village was, the visit of Pope John Paul II, on August 22, 1997.  He went to the grave of Professor Lejeune to offer prayers, accompanied by several families of children with Down Syndrome.


Be sure to watch this great video about Jérôme Lejeune.

Click here for the Lejeune Clinic….lots of great information.

Finding the grave of Jérôme Lejeune in Chalo-Saint-Mars, France:

Chalo-Saint-Mars is roughly 40 miles south of Paris.

The address of the cemetery is:   1 Imp. du Dr Solon, 91780 Chalo-Saint-Mars, France

Tel: +33 1 64 95 40 45

Click here for the official website of the village of Chaol-Saint-Mars in France.

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