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Amboise, France : Residence and Tomb of Leonardo da Vinci

About Amboise, France:

Located in the beautiful Loire Valley, Amboise would be a pleasant place to visit on its own; however, it also has the honor of being a place of residence as well as the tomb of Leonardo Da Vinci, which may surprise some (it did us, at first we had assumed that it was in Italy, his home country). The term  “Renaissance Man” described someone that was cultured, knowledgeable, educated, or proficient in a wide range of fields. Leonardo da Vinci certainly fit that description….he was an artist, sculptor, painter, engineer, scientist, and theorist.  His most famous artworks “Mona Lisa” and “The Last Supper” are just two of his magnificent paintings and his mechanical drawings were years ahead of their time.

Much of Leonardo’s early work was done in Italy, but his patron, Giuliano de’ Medici, died in March of 1516. Following that, King Francis I of France, who had been impressed by the work of Renaissance artists in Italy, offered Leonardo the title of Premier Painter and Engineer and Architect of the King. Francis I provided Leonardo with a stipend and the use of the manor house Clos Lucé, near the king’s residence at the Royal Château d’Amboise.

King Francis had a tunnel built between the Château d’Amboise and the Château du Clos Lucé so he might visit more often and without being noticed. The entrance to the tunnel can be viewed in the Model Room of the Château du Clos Lucé.

His tomb is in a small chapel in the gardens of the Château d’Amboise overlooking the Loire.

One quote that we have from Leonardo da Vinci perhaps sums up his life: “a well-spent day brings happy sleep, so a life well spent brings happy death”.


About Le Château du Clos Lucé – Parc Leonardo da Vinci (Leonardo da Vinci’s residence):

Château du Clos Lucé is Leonardo’s former home, where he spent the last three years of his life, from 1516 to 1519 working on several projects for the king of France, surrounded by his students.

He died here on May 2, 1519 at the age of 67.

It houses a small museum displaying working models of some of his designs….well worth a visit.


Finding Le Château du Clos Lucé:

Address:  2, rue du Clos Lucé, 37400 Amboise, Val de Loire, France

Tel: +33 (0) 2 47 57 00 73     Fax : +33 (0) 2 47 57 62 88

email:  infos@vinci-closluce.com

Click here for the official website of Le Château du Clos Lucé:


About Amboise Castle (tomb of Leonardo da Vinci):

Amboise Castle © Christophe.Finot – licence [CC BY-SA 2.5] from Wikimedia Commons
Here you will find the tomb of Leonardo da Vinci.  The Castle also features magnificent gardens, with creative planting in the herbaceous borders.


There is an admission fee to tour the castle, but we feel that it is worth the cost.

We found a Rick Steves video that you might enjoy…it gives you a sense of what Amboise is like today.

Finding Amboise Castle:

Address:  Rise of Emir Abd El Kader, 37400 Amboise

Tel:  +33/(0)2 47 57 00 98

email:  contact@chateau-amboise.com

Click here for the official website of Amboise Castle.

Traveling to Amboise:

Amboise  is located in the beautiful Loire Valley, about 14 miles from Tours.  There is frequent train service from Tours to Amboise, a short 20 minute trip.

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